From Beginner to Pro: A Python Project Journal of Learning and Innovation

Al-Junaed Islam
2 min readApr 3, 2023


Innovation and creativity await in the world of Python programming, and I am excited to share my experiences and lessons learned through my Python project journal. Join me on this journey of learning and discovery!

Logo of Python coding language

Before we get into the details of my Python Project Journal, I’d want to thank Angela Yu(twitter) for her course 100 Days of Code: The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp. This gave me the confidence and knowledge to get idea of a wide range of Python projects.

In this Python Project Journal, I’ve documented my progress and experiences with a variety of Python-based projects. Check out the individual blog articles below to discover more about each of these projects.

Here are the links of each project’s blog article…

  1. Generate Usernames with Python: A Simple Project for Beginners
    03rd April 2023
  2. Calculating Your Remaining Life with Python — A Practical Project
    05th April 2023
  3. Calculate Your Tips Like A Pro with Python Tips Calculator
    10th April 2023
  4. How to Create a BMI Calculator Using Python: Step-by-Step Guide
    12th April 2023
  5. Crush Compatibility Calculator — A Python Project for Fun
    14th April 2023
  6. Secret Tunnel Game — A Python Project for Fun and Learning
    16th April 2023
  7. Python Programming: Build Your Own Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
    18th April 2023
  8. Create Your Own Random Password Generator Using Python: A Project for Beginner
    20th April 2023
  9. Hangman Game in Python — A Beginners Guide
    23rd April 2023
  10. Secure Your Messages with Caesar Cipher in Python
    26th April 2023
  11. Undercover Auction: A Python Game to Test Your Bidding Skills
    28th April 2023
  12. Build Your Own Multi-Functional Python Calculator Using Math
    30th April 2023
  13. Draw or Pass: A Fun Blackjack Game in Python from Scratch
    02nd May 2023
  14. Higher Lower Game in Python: TV Show Ratings
    05th May 2023
  15. How to Build a Juice Bar in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
    th May 2023

This Python Project Journal has been a great learning experience. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed sharing my experiences. Starting with the basics, I created fully functional programs and learned valuable lessons. These projects helped me grow as a Python developer.

But the journey doesn’t end here! Stay tuned for more updates as I explore new ideas and push the boundaries of what I can do with Python.



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